The Adventures of the Legendary Pinzon Sisters: Mina and Catalina

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Continuing on the theme of family dynamics, as discussed in my previous post, I present the Pinzon sisters: Grandmother Catalina and her older sister, Great Aunt Mina.

In the jungles of Panama

The sisters were born and raised in a small village in the jungles of Panama. One day, the sisters decided to go deeper into the jungle to play. While they were playing, the family home was bombed, and the whole family perished. The girls heard the blast and started running. Aunt Mina and her younger sister Catalina got separated in the dense jungle. Aunt Mina made it back to what was their home, but my grandmother was left behind. She was too young to find her way back and was lost in the jungle for a long time. 

The sisters of the convent

The Convent sisters found my grandmother in the jungle but did not know who she was. The little girl was so traumatized that she could not speak. According to the family stories told around the holiday table, my grandmother had become wild. Legend has it that my sweet grandmother bit the finger of one of the Convent nuns. 

Convent ruins in Panama Vieja

The nuns took my grandmother to live with them at the convent’s orphanage, where she remained until she was in her teens and finally was reunited with Aunt Mina. Soon, Mina and Catalina relocated from Panama to the United States.

The Pinzon sisters

“Aunt Mina” acrylic painting

Aunt Mina, the eldest, was a character. She collected Spanish fans, smoked cigars, and was the family’s best storyteller. I used to love visiting her. Her house always smelled of beautiful perfumes and good tobacco. Like my aunt Julia, she read tea leaves.

My grandmother and my father

Grandmother Catalina was the opposite. She was always quiet, with a slight smile, and In my memories, she stood by the stove a lot. She made good black raspberry pies. We could always count on PP&J and Kool-Aid. It was kid heaven! I remember going to Long Island, New York’s Jones Beach, and clamming with her. Family stories also mentioned that she could catch fish with her bare hands.

I want to focus on Family and friends this holiday in my posts. Your Ideas and comments are welcome. Please let me know if you like these stories.

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