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Holidays, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Holidays in the Jurado family had the makings of a fascinating drama/comedy.
My family celebrated the holidays elaborately; like most families, we kept up with the Jones. Moreover, I suspect, like most families, there is always some drama simmering and a lot of comedy. As I got older, I could see more and more of the drama side of our Jurado family holiday productions. Blissful as a child, I was looking forward to presents and sweets. In my early teens, things were not as blissful as the magazine cover families were portrayed. In reality, when relatives, aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, and grandparents gathered in one house, a slow simmer and sometimes a boil-over began, and I don’t mean only in the kitchen!
The first generation meets the second generation, mom with daughter, son, and grandchildren
Personality clashes and old beef
Personality clashes and old beef always seem to rear their ugly heads as the day proceeds and liquor begins to get involved. I have heard that and have personally experienced the stress family gatherings for the holiday can invoke. The Jurado family is not isolated in this. I have met many people with similar situations and experiences.
On the lighter comedy side, when the pig goes flying
Mother had a temper; she existed on shots of Cuban expresso coffee and high levels of anxiety. So, the family pushing her too far one Christmas, got to see the roast pig fly.
The Good
There were many perfect memories as well. For example, on Christmas, all the females in the family gathered to make traditional tamales. These were beautiful bonding times, during which storytelling and family history were shared, and family recipes and traditions were passed down.
Santa Claus came up the fire escape to a room full of kids giggling excitedly. Our eyes were wide open, our bellies were full of delicious food, and our hearts were full of joy.
My holidays are peaceful and calm now; I live in Florida, and the rest of the second and third-generation family lives in Buffalo, New York. They are now creating their memories.
I now celebrate quietly with friends
However you celebrate or don’t celebrate, let kindness and compassion always be in your heart towards your close family circle and for strangers you may encounter.
Always remember that we are all in the same ocean of suffering and struggle, being pulled apart by our delusional thinking and self-cherishing. I would see the other as equal to me. Hopefully, as I grow older and wiser, I can see family and friends as the perfect imperfections we all are.